Our chemicals are available with a variety of certifications, ensuring the highest standards of quality and compliance.
VIEW CERTIFICATESOffering Natural, High-Purity, and Essential Chemicals
Lab Alley's three core offerings of natural, essential, and high-purity chemicals cater to the diverse needs of over 16 industries nationwide. Our comprehensive range of chemicals serves as the backbone for innovation and progress. With a commitment to quality and purity, Lab Alley ensures each product meets the stringent standards required by industries.

Lab Alley's natural, green chemicals are certified organic, kosher, and environmentally green. Our natural chemicals are a reliable choice for those prioritizing healthy living, quality of life, and sustainable practices. We offer:

Lab Alley's essential chemicals are tailored for industrial uses and combine competitive pricing with available in-stock inventory, ensuring businesses have access to the chemicals they need. We offer:

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Lab Alley offers a wide selection of high-purity chemicals with a comprehensive inventory including ACS, USP, HPLC, Semiconductor/Electronic Grade, and LCMS grade chemicals, meeting the stringent standards required by various industries for precise and reliable applications.

About Lab Alley
Lab Alley is the primary supplier of Ethanol, Isopropanol, Hydrogen Peroxide and other high quality chemicals at the best prices, always in stock, and in various sizes with fast shipping.

Our Commitment to Sustainability
At Lab Alley, we share in the collective responsibility towards protecting and restoring the health of our planet. That is why we have partnered with Ecodrive, an organization dedicated to the restoration and preservation of mangrove ecosystems. For every purchase made on our website, Ecodrive, will plant one mangrove tree in Kenya.

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Providing Superior Chemicals to 80,000+ Companies
Lab Alley is the answer to customers in need of the finest chemicals at the lowest prices, shipped on time every time. No matter your budget, Lab Alley ensures that customers' businesses continue to operate and be profitable.
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