Food Grade Ethanol 200/190 Proof $34+ Organic Alcohol Bulk Prices

Shop Online For Lab Alley Brand Food Grade And Organic Alcohol 200, 190 And 140 Proof Products Or Call 512-668-9918 To Order In Bulk Sizes.
Federal alcohol excise tax is included in the price of Lab Alley brand food grade and organic alcohol products.
- Organic Alcohol $36+
- Food Grade Alcohol $34+
- 100% Pure Non-Denatured Ethanol $34+
- Organic Sugarcane Alcohol 190 Proof $44+
- Food Grade Alcohol 200 Proof $34+
- Organic Grain Alcohol 190 Proof $36+
- 190 Proof Food Grade Ethyl Alcohol 34+
- Organic Grain (Corn) Alcohol 200 Proof $44+
- Food Grade Alcohol 140 Proof $35+
- 1 Gallon Bottle Of Organic Sugarcane Alcohol 190 Proof $94
- Bulk 5 Gallon Pail Of Food Grade Alcohol 200 Proof $340
- 55 Gallon Drum Of Undenatured Alcohol 200 Proof $1,990
Product Overview
100% pure non-denatured food grade alcohol and organic alcohol 200 proof products have no additives. 190 proof food grade alcohol products are diluted with 5% water and 140 proof food grade products are diluted with 30% water.
These Lab Alley brand food grade alcohol ethyl products are safely used to produce alcoholic beverages and to extract natural food flavors from botanical materials. These products are ideal for making herbal tinctures, plant-based medicinal extracts, botanical and essential oils, topical skincare lotions, and natural fragrances.
Tinctures are highly concentrated herbal extracts in liquid form produced by soaking medicinal plants, herbs, flowers, bark, berries, leaves or roots in a solvent like certified organic food grade ethanol. The best alcohol for tinctures is a high quality 190 proof organic cane alcohol or organic ethyl alcohol.
Lab Alley brand organic cane alcohol 190 proof, organic grain (corn) alcohol 190 proof and 190 proof food grade ethanol are three of the most popular preservatives and universal carrier solvents for creating perfumes and fine fragrance concentrates because they are certified as organic or food grade.
The antimicrobial properties of 100%, 95% and 70% ethyl alcohol products are perfectly suited for manufacturing powerful hand sanitizers, hard surface disinfectant solutions and cleaning sprays.
Buy 100% pure food grade ethanol 200 and 190 proof for $34. Order 190 proof (95%) organic sugarcane alcohol for $79 and in bulk 1 and 5 gallon sizes. Order food grade alcohol products at online shopping sites, Save 5% on your purchase by using this discount code. In the U.S. and Canada, you can even order food grade and organic alcohol at discounted prices over the phone. Call 512-668-9918 to get bulk and wholesale prices when you order.
Pure Food Grade Ethanol And Organic Alcohol Videos, Applications, Product Specifications, Advantages And Safety Tips

The term ‘food grade’ means that the designated non-toxic materials are either safe for human ingestion through drinking or eating, or are permitted to come into direct contact with food products. Pure Lab Alley brand food grade ethanol and organic alcohol products contain zero additives and are safe for human consumption. Due to their quality profile and safety history, they are highly recommended by herbalists and botanical dietary supplement manufacturers for extraction, tinctures, essential oils, medicinal oil products and hemp isolates. Absolute alcohol, also known as anhydrous ethanol, is liquid alcohol that is at least 99% pure alcohol by weight. Ethanol is a primary alcohol used in the synthesis of numerous compounds. Absolute alcohol is an essential chemical.

Chemically speaking, ethanol is a member of a class of organic compounds that are given the general name alcohols. Food grade and organic ethanol products are pure, food safe and non- denatured containing no additives other than water. Pure ethyl alcohol food grade is ideal for baking, cake decorating and making candy. It is a perfect solvent, preservative and carrier used in skincare products, flavor extracts, natural food colors for dyes, perfumes and colognes and topical medications. Pure ethanol is an organic compound and is a colorless flammable liquid. 100% ethyl alcohol is also used in laboratories as a reagent in synthetic organic chemistry and chromatography. The CAS number of ethanol is 64-17-5.
Jump To A Section Of This Article
Product Video: Shop 200 Proof Food Grade Ethanol For Safe Herbal Extractions
What Do The Terms Food Grade Alcohol And Food Grade Ethanol Mean?
Where To Buy USDA Certified Organic Food Grade Alcohol 190 And 200 Proof
Product Video: Organic Cane Alcohol 190 Proof For Tinctures, Perfume, Skin And Cosmetics
About Lab Alley Brand Pure Food Grade Ethyl Alcohol Products
Video: Lab Alley Brand Ethanol And Organic Alcohol For Extraction, Tinctures And Essential Oils
Why Are Food Grade (FCC Grade) Ethanol And Organic Alcohol Used For Extraction?
Why Food Grade Ethanol Is Used To Produce Medicinal Extracts, Essential Oils And Botanical Oils?
How Food Grade Ethanol Is Used To Make Tinctures And Herbal Concentrates
How Food Grade Ethanol Is Used For Baking And Cake Decorating
Where To Buy Organic Alcohol 190 Proof and 200 Proof For Tinctures, Skincare, Perfume And Cosmetics
The Best 200 And 190 Proof Food Grade Ethanol Products You Can Purchase
Best Selling Food Grade Ethanol And Food Grade Alcohol Products
How Food Grade Ethanol And Organic Alcohol Products Are Shipped
Food Grade Ethanol And Organic Alcohol Safety And Product Information
A Historical Perspective On Fermenting And Distilling Ethanol And Alcohol
Chemical And Physical Properties Of Pure Ethanol (Ethyl Alcohol)
Ethanol (Ethyl Alcohol) Chemical Compound And Alcohol Properties
Further Food Grade Ethanol And Organic Alcohol Reading Resources
Shop 200 Proof Food Grade Ethanol For Safe Herbal Extractions
100% Undenatured Alcohol, Lab Alley Brand
Lab Alley Brand Food Grade Ethanol 200 Proof is 100% pure ethyl alcohol with no additives and is food safe. It can be used for food processing, vegan liquors, for skin care products, herbal extractions and pharmaceutical products. Lab Alley offers food grade ethanol in sizes from 500 milliliters to bulk pallet loads.

Lab Alley brand food grade ethanol and food grade alcohol products are safe for people to consume in foods, beverages, extracts and tinctures because the only ingredients are undenatured ethyl alcohol or a mixture of undenatured ethyl alcohol and pure water.
What Do The Terms Food Grade Alcohol And Food Grade Ethanol Mean?
Find out what food grade alcohol (ethanol) actually means. Food grade ethanol is a more scientific version of the term food grade alcohol. Both terms are used interchangeably. Absolute 100% anhydrous ethyl alcohol is an essential chemical used in industry and science applications. It is one of the best selling botanical industry products.
In the United States, USDA certified food grade ethanol products are generally regarded as safe (GRAS) for human consumption and ingestion. 200 proof HPLC grade ethano l is extremely pure and safe.
Food grade ethanol products are colorless and odorless liquids that can be safely ingested. Food grade ethanol, in its simplest definition, is pure ethyl alcohol, with or without water. It is not denatured or adulterated with poisons and nauseating chemicals that are used to discourage the recreational consumption of denatured alcohol, which is not taxed as drinking alcohol.
Food grade ethanol is distilled by fermenting starch from natural substances such as grapes, sugarcane, corn and grains. Lab Alley food grade ethanol products are n on-denatured and contain no additives other than the water used for dilution.
Undenatured food grade ethanol products can be safely used for surface disinfectants, cleaning and hand sanitizers, solvent e xtraction , making p erfumes , beauty products, baking, cake decorating and botanical e xtracts .
Many Lab Alley customers order food grade ethanol products for use with ethanol extraction equipment, open-loop and closed-loop extraction systems and centrifuge extractors. Food grade ethanol products are even used for simple DIY mason jar style herbal extractions because they are effective and safe solvents.
Pure food grade ethanol products have a high ethyl alcohol content (200 proof/100%, 190 proof/95%, 140 proof/70%) and are not adulterated with toxic additives or bad smelling denaturants.
Although undenatured food grade ethanol products are classified as ‘Medical Grade Ethanol’, denatured ethanol products used in medical settings are also termed ‘Medical Grade Ethanol’. Lab Alley brand denatured ethanol products are not ‘food safe’ or ‘food grade’.
This Lab Alley product, Ethanol 190 Proof (95%) Histological Grade, is not classified as a food grade alcohol product because it is ethyl alcohol denatured with isopropyl alcohol and methanol. This product is used in histology labs for microscopic anatomy or microanatomy, which is the branch of biology that studies the microscopic anatomy of biological tissues.
Ethanol 190 Proof (95%) Denatured Alcohol is not classified as a food grade alcohol product because it is ethyl alcohol denatured with isopropyl alcohol and methanol. This product is used for perfume, cleaning the skin, extraction, disinfecting, paint prep, cleaning resin prints, cleaning metal, woodworking and removing epoxy and resin.
None of Lab Alley denatured ethanol 140, 190 and 200 proof products sold online are permitted to be labeled as food grade ethanol. Ethanol 140 proof 70% denatured alcohol is not food grade quality.
This 200 proof ethanol product is both USP grade and food grade.
Where To Buy USDA Certified Organic Food Grade Alcohol 190 And 200 Proof
Pure Lab Alley brand USDA certified organic food grade ethanol products are made with safe 200 proof and 190 proof non-denatured ethyl alcohol. These all natural 100% and 95% alcohol products are derived from fermented and distilled organic corn and organic sugar cane. Lab Alley sources these products from USDA certified growers that operate farms that meet all organic standards and go through an annual review and inspection process.
Organic Cane Alcohol 190 Proof For Tinctures, Perfume, Skin And Cosmetics

Lab Alley brand food grade ethanol and food grade alcohol products are safe for people to consume in foods, beverages, extracts and tinctures because the only ingredients are undenatured ethyl alcohol or a mixture of undenatured ethyl alcohol and pure water.

Bulk food grade ethanol and organic alcohol products in 1, 5, 55 and 270 gallon sizes and pallet loads are for sale at discounted prices. Ethanol orders are shipped within 1-2 business days via UPS or LTL freight carriers. A 3–6 day delivery time is typical.
About Lab Alley Brand Pure Food Grade Ethyl Alcohol Products
Lab Alley have a vast portfolio of pure ethyl alcohol food grade 140, 190 and 200 proof products in stock at various distribution centers throughout the United States.
Commercial and industrial food grade ethanol and organic alcohol users include, the food and beverage industry, academia, labs, research and development centers, cosmetics and personal care companies, and other types of professional organizations.
Lab Alley brand food grade ethanol and organic alcohol products are for sale online in 1 and 5 gallon sizes at
Pure Lab Alley brand food grade ethanol products have no additives other than water and are safe for human consumption. Food grade ethanol solvent extraction is safe process used to make herbal tinctures, hemp and botanical extracts, food and nutritional supplements, medicinal plant oils, perfumes, cosmetics, skincare and personal care products.
Order food grade (FCC grade) and USDA certified organic non-denatured ethanol products online at or purchase by phone at 512-668-9918.
Get insights on using food grade ethanol to create herbal remedies, for medicinal plant processing, obtaining botanical extracts and producing healthy cosmetic products.
Review the types and specifications of food grade ethanol and food grade alcohol products offered here at Discover how food grade ethanol is shipped and delivered in the United States and Canada in this article.
Food grade ethanol plays a role in plant extraction, herbal concentrates and non-herbal tinctures. See why food grade ethanol is preferred for creating functional mushroom extracts, extracting natural and organic colorants from foods and for making dyes and organic drinks. Find out the best types of food grade ethanol 190 and 200 proof to purchase.
Many Lab Alley customers order food grade ethanol to use as an effective solvent for plant extraction, because it is safe. Lab Alley sells high proof alcohol (200, 190 and 140 proof ethanol) in small containers and bulk size quantities.
Lab Alley Brand Ethanol And Organic Alcohol For Extraction, Tinctures And Essential Oils
Pure Ethanol For Extraction, Tinctures, Essential Oils
Extraction methods using warm pure ethanol begins by boiling ethanol, condensing it, and allowing the condensate to drip through the plant material, stripping out the bioactive components and healthy oils. This method is advantageous because it is time efficient and requires a low ratio of ethanol to plant material.

High-proof food grade ethanol products (190 and 200 proof) separate soluble components of extracts during a soaking period. Food grade ethanol is a widely used extraction solvent because it is an all natural “green” option and is GRAS (generally recognized as safe). Because 200 proof (100%) food grade ethanol is anhydrous, there is no extra water which can trap unfavorable plant byproducts such as chlorophyll.

The simplest botanical extraction method is direct extraction in ethanol, called solid-liquid extraction (SLE). This extraction process has been performed for hundreds of years, in one form or another, by people all around the world. Herbal food supplements, medicinal plant oils and botanical extracts may contain ethanol which has been used as an extraction solvent in herbal extracts or added as a diluent to liquid tinctures. Solvents commonly used in extraction of medicinal plants are polar solvent (water, alcohols), intermediate polar (acetone, dichloromethane), and nonpolar (e.g., n-hexane, ether, chloroform). Ethanol is one of the most scalable solvents for extraction methods because of its simple methodology a chemical properties. Ethanol has the ability to attract and extract phenolic, polar and nonpolar compounds. Food grade alcohol is also used in herbal extracts to give them a longer shelf life. Alcohol-based tinctures are highly potent and concentrated, so only a small dose is required to obtain the benefits.

Ethanol is a colorless and odorless liquid that can be used in several applications such as solvent extraction. Food grade ethanol and organic ethyl alcohol can be used at varying temperatures in the solvent extraction process to produce different results. While warm ethanol is used to quickly wash medicinal plant material for a full-spectrum concentration, cold ethanol is used to make concentrated distillates. A warm ethanol extraction process involves passing warm ethanol over medicinal plant material multiple times, and the solvent is recycled. Once the extraction process is complete, steps such as winterization are completed as needed, and the ethanol is removed using a rotary evaporator. Warm ethanol soaks the plant or herbal material in a quick process that leaves negligible residue. Modern extraction techniques such as warm ethanol extraction and cold ethanol extraction have been developed for medicinal plants to improve extraction efficiency and extract quality.
Why Are Food Grade (FCC Grade) Ethanol And Organic Alcohol Used For Extraction?
Food grade ethanol is used to produce medicinal extracts and botanical oils because it is a safe and effective solvent for extracting phytochemicals from plants.
Lab Alley brand non-denatured ethanol products are classified as food grade by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are widely used in the food and beverage industry.
Food grade ethanol is used in the production of herbal tinctures, which are liquid solutions of herbs and alcohol. When fresh or dried herbs are combined with organic food grade alcohol, the naturally occurring phytochemicals are removed from the inert structural material of the plant to make herbal extracts.
Herbal extracts are botanical substances extracted from plants using different solvents such as 200 proof food grade ethanol and 190 proof organic alcohol.
Food grade ethyl alcohol is used to make phytomedicines and herbal products from botanicals, or plants, which are are used to treat diseases and maintain health.
Both individual buyers and manufacturing companies buy safe and pure food grade alcohol (200, 190, and 140 proof) and organic cane and organic corn alcohol online at Lab Alley in 100% and 95% solution concentrations.
Pure Lab Alley brand 200 proof non-denatured food grade ethanol is a food-safe ingredient with absolutely no additives. This is the highest proof ethyl alcohol sold in the United States.
Lab Alley food grade ethanol products are used for solvent extraction due to their unique ability to separate selected natural and bioactive substances from hemp, foods, herbs, flowers, bark and medicinal plants. Due to the organic composition of food grade ethanol, it is extremely pure and edible.
Food grade ethanol is a preferred solvent for botanical extraction. It has become a popular extraction solvent because it is safe for infused edibles, it is compatible with most packaging containers, provides consistent results and is easily recoverable.
The FCC grade designation provides consumers with the assurance that ethanol products labeled as such, are safe for extraction and human consumption, either by eating or drinking.
Food grade and FCC grade ethanol products are frequently used as an extraction solvent because they are “green” solvents and extremely safe. They meet the requirements of the current Food Chemical Codex, a compendium of internationally recognized standards for determining the purity and quality of food ingredients. The Food Chemical Codex is a widely accepted quality benchmark in the global marketplace for food and beverage ingredients.
Food grade ethanol is used extensively for plant and herb solvent extraction because of its ability to draw out essential oils, botanical oils, acids and other targeted polar and nonpolar compounds such as flavanoids and terpenes. Certain terpenes were widely used in natural folk medicine and alternative medicine.
Food grade ethanol is used commercially in the food industry and by health conscious DIYers. Food grade ethanol is used for solvent extraction because it works well, is cost-effective and is absolutely safe. Food grade ethanol can dissolve a wide range of substances during medicinal plant extraction processes, including lipids, medicinal oils, waxes and terpenes.
Food grade ethanol and organic ethanol are two of the most common types of alcohol used in medicinal plant, hemp and herbal extraction processes and for making extracts.
Techniques for extraction and isolation of natural products include solvent extraction. Extraction is the first step to separate the desired natural products from the raw materials. Extraction methods include solvent extraction, distillation method, pressing and sublimation according to the extraction principle. Solvent extraction is the most widely used method. The extraction of natural products progresses through the following stages: (1) the solvent penetrates into the solid matrix; (2) the solute dissolves in the solvents; (3) the solute is diffused out of the solid matrix; (4) the extracted solutes are collected. Any factor enhancing the diffusivity and solubility in the above steps will facilitate the extraction. The properties of the extraction solvent, the particle size of the raw materials, the solvent-to-solid ration, the extraction temperature and the extraction duration will affect the extraction efficiency
Extraction methods using warm ethanol begins by boiling ethanol, condensing it, and allowing the condensate to drip through the plant material, stripping the essential oils, medicinal substances and terpenes. This method is advantageous because it is time efficient and requires a low ratio of solvent to plant material.
Cold ethanol extraction has become one of the most popular methods for the large-scale extraction of selected materials from hemp and other medicinal plants.
Cold ethanol extraction, also known as cryogenic ethanol extraction, is performed to freeze water, fats, lipids and other undesirable materials so that they do not dissolve into the ethanol.
The simplest botanical extraction method is direct extraction in ethanol, called solid-liquid extraction (SLE). This extraction technique is used to obtain the healthy botanical components of vegetables, fruits, herbs, seeds, flowers, bark and plants. This extraction process has been performed for hundreds of years, in one form or another, by people all around the world.
The plant, macerated, is soaked in solvent so that the compounds having an affinity for the solvent, are transferred into the liquid. The spent solids of the plant can be discarded as waste. Parameters such as time, temperature, and pressure can be manipulated to control the extraction.
In pressurized liquid extraction (PLE), higher extraction efficiency is obtained with the trade-off that undesirable compounds will no longer be excluded. Another long-standing technique that tends to make use of ethanol in food and botanical applications is Soxhlet extraction, which allows for continuous solvent extraction in a closed system.

Food grade ethanol 200 proof, organic sugarcane alcohol 190 proof and perfumers alcohol SDA 40B 190 proof are used by perfume chemists to craft alcoholic fragrances (between 70% and 92% alcohol), perfumes, colognes and fragrance oils.

Learn how ethanol (ethyl alcohol) is used in the perfume industry and how it is used as a botanical extraction solvent for making essential oils. Find out how to make perfume and essential oils without using synthetic chemicals by using all natural Lab Alley brand food grade ethanol and organic alcohol products along with plants, scents, spices, herbs and flowers. A popular perfumers alcohol is Lab Alley Brand Food Grade Alcohol 190 Proof which contains only 95% pure ethyl alcohol and 5% water. Lab Alley brand perfumers alcohol products are special formulations ordered online by perfume chemists, essential oil manufacturers and amateur perfumers. These 190 and 200 proof perfumers alcohol bases are blended with fragrance extracts to craft essential oils for diffusers. Essential oils are concentrated hydrophobic liquids that contain volatile chemical components that are extracted from plants, herbs and flowers.
Why Are Perfumers Alcohol, Food Grade Ethanol And Organic Alcohol Recommended For Making Perfumes And Essential Oils?
Lab Alley brand ethanol products are used to manufacture fragrant liquids made from essential oils extracted from flowers and spices, that emit and diffuse a pleasant and fragrant odor.
Lab Alley organic alcohol products are used to make substances with an agreeable scent. 190 proof organic cane alcohol is a popular solvent that is mixed in liquid form with fragrant essential oils, aromatic compounds, fixatives and perfume extracts.
In perfumery, an extract refers to concentrated fragrance material obtained from a natural plant, flower or fruit. Extracts are used in perfume development to add depth and complexity to a fragrance. Perfume extracts create natural, floral and fruity accords.
Lab Alley brand 200 proof food grade ethanol, 190 proof sugarcane alcohol, perfumers alcohol 190 proof, 200 proof SDA 40B and 200 proof SDA 3C products are used as perfumers alcohol bases for making perfumes, fragrance oils and colognes due to their purity, quality and safety.
Manufacturers use pure, high proof, alcohol in the production of perfumes. Professionals and hobbyists alike safely use 190 proof food grade ethanol (95% alcohol) as a carrier, along with water and essential oils, to make alcohol-based perfumes with trademark scents.
Organic Cane Alcohol 190 proof is ideal for perfumery and the art and process of making perfume. It is sold online at in 500ml bottles, 1 liter bottles, 1 gallon bottles, 5 gallon sizes and 55 gallon drums.
Organic polar solvents such as food grade ethanol are used for perfumery, fragrance oils, cologne, aromatherapy oils, natural fragrances and essential oils for diffusers.
A common method to use essential oils is to simply inhale them, either directly out of the bottle or by using a diffuser or humidifier. Essential oils can also be diluted with a carrier oil and applied directly to skin.
Essential oils can be applied topically using compresses, sprays, baths, or massaging them into the skin.
One of the best 200 proof food grade ethanol products for making perfume is made from organically grown corn. is where to buy USDA certified organic 200 proof ethanol for making perfume. 190 proof organic ethanol food grade made from sugar cane can be ordered online at In the US and Canada, it takes about 3 to 6 days to have your package delivered.
Perfumers Alcohol SDA 40B 200 proof is a universal carrier solvent used in perfume production. Lab Alley sells Perfumers Alcohol SDA 40B and SDA 3C, which are specially denatured alcohols used to make perfumes. Lab Alley brand Perfumers Alcohol products are available in 190 proof and 200 proof.
SDA 40B Ethanol 200 Proof (100%) is a specially denatured alcohol formula 40B, which contains trace amounts (less than 0.125% combined) of the denaturants tert-butyl alcohol and denatonium benzoate.
200 proof perfumers alcohol formula SDA 3C is clear, colorless liquid with an invisible aroma. SDA 3C provides excellent results when used to create perfumes and other fragrances. This perfumers ethanol formulation is a specially denatured alcohol (not food grade) that contains the denaturant isopropyl alcohol at up to 5% concentrations.
Both perfumers alcohol formulations, SDA 40B and SDA 3C are compliant with United States Title 27 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Section 21.151.
Types Of Perfume Ingredients Used With Lab Alley Brand Perfumers Alcohol Bases
Popular ingredients used to formulate perfumes, enjoyable scents, essential oils, aroma oils, flavor oils and natural fragrance oils include 190 proof food grade ethanol, perfumers alcohol SDA 40B, perfumers alcohol SDA 3C, flowers, lavender, resins and jasmine.
Natural ingredients used by perfumers include gums, oud, citrus, roots, balsams, grasses, cedarwood, leaves, patchouli, fruit, wood, sandalwood and amber.
There are a few reasons why Lab Alley brand food grade and organic ethanol products are recommended for making perfume by successful perfume chemists.
Lab grade pure ethyl alcohol products are used in making perfume because they help to mix and dissolve the fragrant essential oils used to create the perfume. Food grade ethanol and organic alcohol products can safely come into contact with skin because they are pure and non-denatured. They both evaporate quickly which leaves the skin dry. Because ethyl alcohol evaporates quickly, the skin feels a cooling sensation when the perfume is applied.
One reason that ethyl alcohol is used as a pure perfume base is to distill fragrance concentrates. Some perfumed substances are diluted better in ethanol, rather than in water.
Lab Alley perfumers alcohol products act as solvents for the aromatic compounds in the perfume formula. Ethanol allows fragrance concentrates to remain on the skin longer without damage.
Because food grade and organic ethanol are volatile, they evaporate quickly to allow the fragrant components to settle on the skin and diffuse their notes for a long time. Ethyl alcohol provides excellent conservation of the perfume over time.
An important property that should be considered when formulating perfumes is how miscible or easily dissolved the solvents being mixed are with one another.
Ethanol is a molecule that has both polar and nonpolar properties. Oils are completely nonpolar and water is a polar compound, so they don’t mix very well.
However, since water and alcohol are miscible due to their polar parts, and alcohol and oil will mix due to their nonpolar parts, they are similar enough to not repel each other and mix evenly together.
It is important to choose a perfumers alcohol base that is not toxic at high levels.

Food grade alcohol is also known as food grade ethanol, undenatured alcohol, FCC grade ethanol, grain alcohol, 190 proof grain alcohol, extra neutral alcohol, Everclear grain alcohol 190 proof, absolute alcohol and anhydrous ethanol. It is a high-proof non-denatured ethyl alcohol that is deemed a safe solvent for dissolving extracts and botanical oils that are consumed, as opposed to denatured alcohol which contains toxic additives that make it unsuitable for human ingestion.

Herbal tinctures are a concentrated liquid form of one or a combination of herbs. Ethanol extraction serves multiple aims. It can be used to obtain botanical extracts for consumer purposes (e.g. vanilla extract) and as sample preparation for instrumental analysis. An effective extraction separates desired compounds into a less complex matrix, leaving behind the undesired compounds, like off-aromas, or analytical/biological interferences. To make tinctures, people soak parts of an herb or plant in food grade non-denatured ethanol. Lab Alley brand food grade ethanol and organic ethanol are safe to use during botanical extraction and essential oil extraction. Although pure non-denatured ethyl alcohol is toxic when drank, it is considered by the FDA to be food safe. When it is used to produce botanical extractions that are consumed by people, it is not dangerous or toxic. Ethanol, when used correctly in botanical extraction processes, leaves no toxic components in medicinal extracts, essential and botanical oils.
Why Food Grade Ethanol Is Used To Produce Medicinal Extracts, Essential Oils And Botanical Oils?
Food grade ethanol is used to produce medicinal extracts and botanical oils because it is a safe and effective solvent for extracting phytochemicals and essential oils from plants.
When fresh or dried herbs are combined with organic food grade alcohol, the naturally occurring phytochemicals are removed from the inert structural material of the plant to make herbal extracts. Herbal extracts are botanical substances extracted from plants using different solvents such as 200 proof food grade ethanol and 190 proof organic alcohol.
Food grade ethyl alcohol is used to make phytomedicines and herbal products from botanicals and plants. These alternative and often organic medicinal products, effectively treat human diseases and help people to maintain a high level of health.
Individual buyers and manufacturing companies buy safe and pure food grade alcohol (200, 190, and 140 proof) and organic cane and organic corn alcohol online at Lab Alley in 100% and 95% solution concentrations. Pure 200 proof non-denatured food grade ethanol is a food-safe ingredient with absolutely no additives. This is the highest proof ethyl alcohol sold in the United States.
Lab Alley brand undenatured food grade ethanol products are used as pure and safe solvents for extracting botanical oils from plant materials that are used in edibles and medicinal tinctures.
Food grade ethanol is used extensively to extract antioxidant compounds and botanical oils from various plants and plant-based foods. It is used for medicinal and botanical extraction processes because it is food safe. It is an ideal solvent for natural substances that are used for food and medicinal purposes.
In hemp extraction, 190 proof and 200 proof food grade ethanol are mixed with the plant to quickly and efficiently extract and dissolve chlorophyll and terpenes.
A historical method used for extracting essential oil from flowers is the process of ‘enfleurage’. This is the extraction of essential oils and perfumes from flowers using odorless animal or vegetable fats.
Aromatic flower heads are placed on sheets of glass called ‘chassis’ which have been covered with purified fat. The fat absorbs the essential oils from the flowers and, once exhausted, the flowers are removed and replaced with fresh. It is repeated until the fat is saturated with essential oil. The resultant compound is called a ‘pomade’.
The pomade is then dissolved in ethanol. Fat is insoluble in ethyl alcohol but essential oil readily dissolves into it. The resultant liquid is then carefully heated and as the food grade alcohol evaporates first, the pure essential oil is left behind.
Lab Alley brand non-denatured ethanol products are classified as food grade by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are widely used in the food and beverage industry. They are used in the production of herbal tinctures, which are liquid solutions of herbs and alcohol.
The FDA has classified the Lab Alley brands of 200 Proof Food Grade Ethanol (100%) and 190 Proof Food Grade Ethanol (95%) used to make medicinal extracts, essential oils and botanical oils as GRAS, which is an acronym for the phrase Generally Recognized As Safe.
Food grade ethanol is a solvent used to extract compounds from botanical sources. Food grade ethanol is an FDA approved solvent for extraction and is safer than others solvents used to produce medicinal and botanical extracts.
Non-denatured, or undenatured ethanol, has been used for a very long time as a solvent for extracting flavor, bioactive compounds and medicinal oils from plant materials. It is the most widely used solvent used to extract oil from hemp resin.
It is also a carrier of bioflavonoids and polyphenolic compounds derived from healthy plants that are ingredients in consumables, food, beverages and nutritional ready products.
How Food Grade Ethanol And Organic Alcohol Are Used To Make Functional And Medicinal Mushroom Extracts, Tinctures And Nutritional Supplements

Mushroom tinctures are concentrated liquid extracts crafted by soaking medicinal and functional mushrooms in an alcohol-based solvent such as Lab Alley brand USDA certified organic cane alcohol 190 proof.
How The Medicinal And Functional Mushroom Extraction Processes Work
Pure ethanol extracts the medicinal and functional compounds from the mushrooms used to create mushroom tinctures and mushroom nutritional supplements. There are different mushroom tincture recipes and mushroom extraction methods for making medicinal mushroom tinctures.
The double extraction technique involves soaking mushrooms in a glass jar of Lab Alley brand organic cane alcohol 190 proof and then hot water at 130-160 degrees. Another functional mushroom tincture recipe recommends soaking 50 grams of dried and powdered medicinal mushrooms in 250mg of Lab Alley brand 190 proof undenatured food grade ethanol for 2 weeks.

Mushroom tinctures are concentrated liquid extracts crafted by soaking medicinal and functional mushrooms in an alcohol-based solvent such as the Lab Alley brand of USDA certified organic cane alcohol 190 proof product. The pure ethanol extracts the medicinal and functional compounds from the mushrooms used to create mushroom tinctures and mushroom nutritional supplements. There are different mushroom tincture recipes and mushroom extraction methods for making medicinal mushroom tinctures, including the double extraction method. This technique involves soaking mushrooms in a glass jar of ethanol and also hot water (130-160 degrees). Using hot water as a solvent is a traditional mushroom extraction process. Another functional mushroom tincture recipe recommends soaking 50 grams of dried and powdered medicinal mushrooms in 250mg of Lab Alley brand 190 proof undenatured food grade ethanol for 2 weeks.
How And Why Medicinal and Functional Mushroom Tinctures Are Made
Medicinal and functional mushroom tinctures are concentrated liquid extracts that contains the active ingredients in mushrooms. Current extraction systems turn raw medicinal and functional mushroom material into a powder or liquid using a concentration process.
Mushroom tinctures are made by soaking fresh or died mushrooms in a solvents such as ethyl alcohol (ethanol) and water. Ethanol extraction unlocks the active ingredients in the medicinal mushrooms. This process produces a potent liquid that is dosed with a pipette from an amber-colored glass dropper bottle.
Mushroom tinctures are a fantastic way to consume medicinal and functional mushrooms. Tinctures are made by extracting the beneficial components of mushrooms using Lab Alley brand Food Grade Ethanol 200 proof, water or vinegar. The final liquid is bottled in a tincture dropper bottle. The medicinal liquid is consumed directly by mouth in drops, or added to food or drinks.
The extraction process involves soaking mushrooms in alcohol, water or vinegar for several weeks. Food grade ethyl alcohol extracts the beneficial bioactive ingredients from the mushrooms, including beta-glucans and triterpenoids. The resulting tincture liquid is then filtered and bottled.
Mushroom tinctures are a convenient way to consume medicinal mushrooms. They can be used as nutritional ingredients for all kinds of foods and drinks. They are more potent than other mushroom supplements, such as capsules or powders, because they contain a higher concentration of beneficial ingredients.
Because mushroom tinctures and nutritional supplements are formulated to be ingested, food grade ethanol or organic alcohol are frequently used for the extraction process because they are safe for human consumption.
Some extraction processes involve soaking medicinal mushrooms for a few weeks in pure non-denatured alcohol to extract the beneficial bioactive components.
Medicinal mushrooms (MM) are macroscopic fungi used in the form of extracts or powder to prevent, heal or alleviate human diseases. Functional mushrooms are famous types of fungi known for their health benefits and adaptogenic properties which are separate from their nutritional component values. Functional and medicinal mushroom species include reishi, lions mane, turkey tail, chaga, cordyceps and shiitake.
Mushroom wellness products and nutritional supplements are liquid extracts or powders produced from various types of mushrooms. They are used to increase exercise endurance, lower blood sugar, treat seasonal allergies, reduce depression, stop insomnia, prevent cancer, fight the common cold and prevent painful inflammation.
Mushroom tinctures are concentrated liquid extracts that can be created by soaking fungi in solvents such as 200 proof food grade ethanol, 200 proof organic alcohol derived from corn, or 190 proof organic sugarcane alcohol.
The process of making a tincture draws out the polysaccharides. Polysaccharides extracted from mushrooms with Lab Alley food grade ethanol and organic alcohol are used in tinctures because of their health benefits.
Mushroom tinctures create various types of positive health effects including physiological, immunomodulatory, antithrombotic, anticoagulant, anti-mutagenic, antioxidant, antitumor, antiviral, anti-carcinogenic and anti-inflammatory activation.
Mushroom tinctures support human health and have been used by native people for hundreds of years to treat infections, cure disease, fight cancer, strengthen the immune system, heal physical ailments and slow the aging process.
Mushroom wellness products contain mushroom extracts, beneficial proteins, probiotics, glycoproteins, beta-glucan polysaccharides, triterpenes, terpenoids, sterols, ribonucleotides, phenols and glycosides.
Non-water-soluble wild mushrooms extracts, such as triterpenes and ganoderic acids, are obtained by using 100% food grade ethanol, 100% organic alcohol, 95% food grade ethyl alcohol or 95% organic cane alcohol. Extraction methods that produce high yields of medicinal mushroom components often use a combination of ethanol and water.
Mushroom extracts are used in the medicine, pharmacy, food and fermentation industries. They are also widely used in traditional oriental therapies. Mushroom tinctures are potent because their healthy components are highly bioavailable. Bioavailability refers to the extent a substance or drug becomes completely available to its intended biological destination(s). Mushroom wellness products are easy to swallow and digest, have a long shelf life and are easily stored.
Chaga mushrooms are rich in antioxidants that strengthen immunity, Cordyceps mushrooms increase energy, King Trumpet mushrooms modulate blood glucose levels, Lion’s Mane mushrooms enhance memory, Maitake mushrooms are good for blood pressure and Reishi mushrooms decrease stress related symptoms.
Video: Comments From A Professional Mushroom Tincture And Mushroom Wellness Supplement Maker
Lab Alley Brand 95% Organic Cane Alcohol For Mushroom Tinctures
Lab Alley Brand 95% Organic Cane Alcohol For Mushroom Wellness Supplements And Tinctures
Shawn and Justin Dunn are the brothers behind shroomworks, a company that makes and sells mushroom wellness supplements and tinctures.
They established Shroomworks in 2018, based on their passion for foraging wild plants and fungi in their local environment.
Their mission is to spread the amazing health benefits of functional mushrooms by crafting mushroom extract products that are healthy, taste good and work.
Their firm uses Lab Alley brand 95% organic cane alcohol to craft extracts from USDA certified organic lion’s mane mushrooms, turkey tail mushrooms and cordyceps to make 100% organic mushroom tinctures and probiotic mushroom wellness shots.
Their company uses organic sugarcane ethanol to extract and draw out bioavailable components from mushrooms that are beneficial to humans.

Pictured here are herbal extracts in small bottles. Although herbal and non-herbal extracts come in different forms, they are basically a liquid solution of herbs and alcohol. Fresh or dried herbs are combined with 190 proof or 200 proof food grade ethanol (ethyl alcohol) to remove naturally occurring phytochemicals from the inert structural material of the plant to make herbal tinctures and extracts.

Pictured here is an at-home DIYer making an alcohol-based herbal tincture in a mason jar. She is using safe food grade ethanol 190 proof for solvent extraction. This is a preparation technique that uses ethanol to extract beneficial properties from plants and herbs.
How Food Grade Ethanol Is Used To Make Tinctures And Herbal Concentrates
Ethanol has long been used as a means of extracting oil from plant materials.
Plant, herbal or food materials are mixed and soaked with food grade ethanol to separate and extract desired substances from the undesired components.
The mixture is then placed inside inside a freezer at a very low temperature for at least 24 hours. Then, solid materials are filtered out to complete the process.
Get tips on making herbal and non-herbal tinctures and extracts with food grade ethanol, here.
Tinctures are highly concentrated herbal extracts in liquid form produced by soaking the herbs in ethanol solvent. Ethanol solvent extraction is used to obtain soluble components of plants used in tinctures. This is a very safe form of extraction.
Tinctures are solutions that use alcohol and water as a solvent. They promote better health. Tinctures are edible carriers of bioactive components available in small quantities in foods, plants and herb. Tinctures are a crucial component of traditional herbal medicine, herbalism and alternative medical therapies.
Lab Alley brand food grade ethanol products are used for extraction to make tinctures because they provide better results than other solvents. Lab Alley’s products are an affordable option and ere popular in the essential oils and botanical extract industries.
The most typical high-proof food grade ethanol products used for extraction applications are organic sugarcane 190 proof alcohol and 200 proof non-denatured ethanol.
Lab Alley food grade ethanol dissolves the healthy components of plant materials to form concentrates. These 100% pure concentrates are safely used to make alcohol-based tinctures, unique concentrated liquid herbal extracts, personal essential oils, hydroethanolic extracts, DIY supplements and homemade medicines.
Lab Alley Brand Food Grade Ethanol products are used by both businesses and DIYers, to create high quality plant oils, flavor extracts, fragrances, medicinal concentrates and herbal and non-herbal tinctures.
Herbal and non-herbal tinctures are used for pain relief, indigestion, healing, nausea, PMS, stress, cramps, diarrhea, insomnia and reduction of anxiety. They can be consumed orally or mixed into foods, liquids or beverages.
Crude plant parts are used to make tinctures through the use of food grade ethanol solvent extraction. These plant materials include hemp, dried flowering tops, stems, leaves, resin parts, flowers, fruit, bark, roots, wood, rhizomes and seeds.
Because food grade ethanol has no impurities it is a popular and safe solvent for removing polyphenols, phenolic compounds and flavonoids from medicinal and aromatic plants.
Some of the most popular tinctures in 2023 in the United States were hemp oil tinctures, rosemary tinctures, mullein tinctures, arnica tinctures, propolis tinctures, ginseng tinctures, elderberry tinctures, turmeric tinctures, echinacea tinctures and dandelion tinctures.
Lab Alley Brand Food Grade Ethanol 190 proof and 200 proof food grade products for making tinctures are for sale online at

Food grade ethanol and organic alcohol 200 proof, 190 proof and 140 proof products are effective solvents for extracting coloring agents used as food dyes. Lab Alley brand food grade ethanol 200 proof and organic alcohol 200 proof and 190 proof products are effective solvents for the extraction of natural food colorants. Studies have shown that ethanol produces a better extraction for organic dyes than water as a solvent.
How Food Grade And Organic Ethanol Products Are Used For Extraction Of Plant Colors For DIY All Natural Food Dyes
Lab Alley brand food grade and organic ethanol products are great solvents for extracting most color pigments from plants.
Lab Alley brand food grade ethanol and organic alcohol 200 proof, 190 proof and 140 proof products are effective solvents for extracting coloring agents used as food dyes. Ethanol products may need to be diluted to a 40-50% concentration for optimal performance.
Natural food colors can be derived from plants, vegetables, flowers, seeds, fruits, ground freeze-dried berries and spices by using ethanol solvent extraction methods.
Spinach leaves contain a green colored pigment called chlorophyll which is easily dissolved with ethanol.
Aqueous ethanol is used as an extraction solvent to extract pigments from plants. Pure food grade ethanol and certified organic corn or sugarcane ethanol have potential as alternative bio-solvents for 'green' extraction of functional colorants.
The FDA approves the use of color additives in food. The FDA specifies the types of foods in which they can be used, the maximum amounts permitted, and how they should be identified on food labels.
When used in compliance with FDA regulations, color additives derived with Lab Alley brand food grade ethanol and organic alcohol products, are considered safe for consumption.
Lab Alley brand food grade ethanol 200 proof and organic cane alcohol 190 proof products are commonly used to extract food colors from plants. They act as a solvent that can dissolve both hydrophobic and hydrophilic pigments.
To extract plant colors for food dyes, the first step is to pick a plant material, then grind the plant material into small pieces. Add the plant material into a bowl and pour in enough ethanol to make it moist. Mash the plant material with the ethanol with a spoon and let it sit for about an hour. Food grade ethanol and organic ethanol products are food safe and are good preservatives.
To extract yellow color from dandelions, pick the flowers and remove the green bits. Pour some ethanol over the petals, mash them with a spoon, and let it sit for about an hour.
What Is The Best Type Of Organic Alcohol You Can Buy?

Lab Alley Brand Organic Sugarcane 190 Proof Food Grade Ethanol Alcohol (95%)
While a few dollars more expensive than non-organic non-denatured ethanol, Lab Alley brand organic cane alcohol 190 proof (95% ethyl alcohol, 5% water) is definitely the one to choose if you are a connoisseur.
This 190 proof neutral organic cane alcohol is made from certified organic sugarcane, sustainably grown on South American farms without the use of pesticides or chemicals and processed in specific certified-organic operations.

Lab Alley brand 190 proof and 200 proof food grade ethanol and organic alcohol products are recommended by professionals for baking and cake decorating. Lab Alley brand non-denatured ethyl alcohol products evaporate quickly and impart a unique taste to baked goods. The pure and safe ethanol products are food safe and nontoxic and can be used at home or commercially. USDA certified organic sugarcane alcohol 190 proof is the most popular ethanol product purchased by professional and amateur bakers and cake decorators.
How Food Grade Ethanol Is Used For Baking And Cake Decorating
There are a variety of Lab Alley brand food grade ethanol products used in baking and cake decorating. Ethanol, or ethyl alcohol, is used as solvent and flavor enhancer in the baking industry and in homes all across the country.
Bakers want an undenatured 190 or 200 proof food grade ethyl alcohol product that will evaporate quickly and cleanly, leaving behind a safe and nontoxic product that is without residue or unintentional flavoring. This is especially useful when it comes to decorating cakes, cookies, and other baked goods via airbrushing. Ethanol is also used as a preservative in baking due to its antimicrobial properties.
Conversely, undenatured food grade ethanol 190 proof (95%) and 200 proof (100%) are used in products that need to be safe for human contact or ingestion such as food processing and extraction.
Lab Alley brand food grade ethanol is pure, organic, FCC grade. Food grade undenatured ethanol is used as a culinary solvent for food processing. This high purity, specially formulated product is used by professionals and hobbyists alike for extraction of flavors or as a solvent in baking. Additionally, ethyl alcohol 190 proof is sourced from sugar cane and is certified as FCC grade, USDA organic, Kosher, vegan, and cruelty free.

Organic cane alcohol, also known as organic sugar cane alcohol, organic sugarcane alcohol is a type of ethanol (ethyl alcohol) produced by fermenting and distilling sugar cane juice from the sugar cane plant. Lab Alley brand organic cane alcohol (ethanol) is made from organic sugar cane grown on certified organic farms without pesticides or chemicals and processed in certified-organic distilleries.

Organic cane alcohol certification means that sugar cane farmers and businesses have met strict standards for the growing, processing and handling of their products. If you see the USDA organic seal, the cane alcohol product is certified organic and has 95 percent or more organic content. Organic cane alcohol production emphasizes all natural processes and ingredients.

Ethanol made from certified organic sugar cane is used in moisturizers manufactured by Lab Alley customers. It is used as a preservative in skincare products. Lab Alley brand USDA certified 190 Proof Cane Alcohol is used in alcoholic beverages, tinctures, botanical extracts, perfume and supplements. This colorless organic compound is 95% neutral sugarcane alcohol. The chemical formula of organic alcohol is C2H6O. It is a good antibacterial ingredient for skin cleaning products.
Where To Buy Organic Alcohol 190 Proof and 200 Proof For Tinctures, Skincare, Perfume And Cosmetics
Professional boutique style companies use Lab Alley Brand Sugarcane Alcohol 190 Proof Food Grade for manufacturing fragrance extractions and to craft herbal tinctures and extracts.
Prices start at $44 for organic sugarcane food grade ethanol 190 proof. You can buy it online at or you can call 512-668-9918 if you like the personal touch.
Organic sugar cane alcohol 190 proof (95%) is available in a variety of package sizes including 500ml bottles, 1 liter bottles, 1 gallon bottles, 4 liter bottles, bulk 5 gallon pails, commercial size 55 gallon drums, industrial size 264 gallon totes and wholesale priced pallet loads.
This type of organic food grade ethanol 190 proof (95%) is a great choice if your business wants to formulate and manufacture the highest quality natural organic products to market and sell.
It is also an excellent decision to choose this product if you want to personally create safe, unadulterated and nontoxic products that your family and you can use.
190 proof organic ethanol is used for perfumery processes and solvent extraction to create natural organic alcohol-based perfumes and plant derived fragrances oils. It is also used to formulate plant-based colognes and essential fragrance oils with trademark scents.
Throughout 2023 in the United States, many individual expert perfumers and perfume chemists relied on the Lab Alley brand of Organic Sugarcane 190 Proof Food Grade Ethyl Alcohol.
This all natural solvent is commonly ordered online by producers of organic essential oils and organic medicinal botanical extracts.
Natural and organic skincare companies also use the Lab Alley brand of organic 200 proof alcohol derived from corn in their cosmetic, cream, body product and lotion formulations.
Lab Alley brand 190 proof food grade alcohol made by fermenting and distilling USDA certified organically grown corn is ideal for manufacturing processes and products that require an ultra-pure extraction solvent, flexible carrier solvent, oil carrier, base or blending ingredient.
Organic corn alcohol 190 proof is an effective emulsifier and carrier, which helps healthy ingredients penetrate into skin.
Certified organic cane ethanol used in a cryogenic ethanol extraction equipment, eliminates unwanted waxes and chlorophyll, yielding full spectrum oils from medicinal plants and herbs. A commonly used tool for cryogenic ethanol extraction is a centrifuge.
Organic food grade alcohol is used to make organic beverages, organic hand sanitizers, natural pain relief oils and organic nutritional supplements.
Natural personal care and organic food companies frequently purchase the Lab Alley brand of organic cane alcohol 190 proof to make pure food flavorants, trusted additives, healthy plant-based oils, high-end cosmetics, luxury beauty products and safe skincare products.
All natural moisturizers can be preserved using organic cane alcohol extracts of medicinal plants such as rooibos leaf, pomegranate seed and Centella asiatica, also known as Gotu Kola.

Organic cane alcohol, also known as organic sugar cane alcohol, organic sugarcane alcohol is a type of ethanol (ethyl alcohol) produced by fermenting and distilling sugar cane juice from the sugar cane plant. Lab Alley brand organic cane alcohol (ethanol) is made from organic sugar cane grown on certified organic farms without pesticides or chemicals and processed in certified-organic distilleries.
In 2023, one of the most popular types of food grade ethanol ordered online at was the 1 gallon bottle of Lab Alley Brand Food Grade Ethanol 190 Proof (95%) Non-Denatured Alcohol.
The Best 200 And 190 Proof Food Grade Ethanol And Organic Alcohol Products You Can Purchase
When it comes to buying food grade ethanol (ethyl alcohol) and organic alcohol online or by phone (512-668-9918), there are a few options available to hobbyists, natural supplement companies, science laboratories, personal care product manufacturing firms and healthy food and beverage businesses. are where to buy the best types of undenatured ethanol food grade 190 proof and 100% pure 200 proof ethanol products online. One of the best 190 proof food grade ethanol products you can order online is organic cane alcohol.
The highest quality Lab Alley brand USDA certified organic 190 and organic 200 proof alcohol products are fermented and distilled from two types of plants in the grass family, corn and sugarcane.
95% and 100% food grade ethyl alcohol products have a lower concentration of impurities, no additives and no denaturants. They are used for botanical and plant extractions, herbal and non-herbal tinctures, cleaning, baking, formulating personal care products, surface cleaning and hand sanitizers.
Food grade ethanol is a type of alcohol that is safe for human consumption. This clear, odorless liquid has the chemical formula C2H60.
Best Selling Food Grade Ethanol And Food Grade Alcohol Products

Lab Alley has a vast inventory of pure non-denatured ethyl alcohol food grade and organic products without any chemical additives in 140 proof, 190 proof and 200 proof. These products are always in stock and are for sale online and can also be ordered over the phone at 512-668-9918.
The pure food grade ethanol and organic alcohol products sold by Lab Alley that are safe for human consumption have ethyl alcohol concentrations of 100%, 95% and 70%. Some of the top selling Lab Alley brand food grade non-denatured alcohol products are derived from organically grown corn and organically farmed sugar cane. 200 proof ethanol alcohol is 100% ethanol, 190 proof is 95% ethanol and 5% water, and 140 proof is 70% ethanol and 30% water.
200 Proof Food Grade Ethanol In 5 Gallon Containers
This Lab Alley brand anhydrous alcohol food grade product is 100% non-denatured ethyl alcohol with virtually no water and it is completely free of additives.
It is pure, sometimes called “absolute” ethanol and is 100% ethanol. Absolute food grade ethanol is preferred for many common techniques in food research and development.
All Natural Organic 200 Proof Alcohol (Ethyl Alcohol) In 1 Liter Bottles
This food grade 100% ethanol product is derived from organically grown corn. This all natural Lab Alley brand product is perfectly suited for making organic herbal tinctures and organic medicinal and essential oils. It is also used to formulate organic fragrances, organic food extracts, organic skincare products and organic cosmetics.
It is available in small 500ml bottles, popular 1 liter bottles, handy 1 gallon bottles, food laboratory size 4 liter bottles, economic 5 gallon jugs, commercial production size 55 gallon drums,bulk 270 gallon totes and wholesale priced pallet loads.

Purchase 200 proof 100% undenatured ethyl alcohol food grade in bulk 55 gallon drums and 270 gallon IBC totes.
Pure 200 Proof (100%) Undenatured Alcohol In Bulk 55 Gallon Drums
This absolute ethanol product is liquid alcohol that is at least 99 percent pure alcohol by weight. It is USP grade, FCC grade and food grade. It has the stamp of kosher approval and is kosher certified. It is a food safe product that is used for making products that are ingested or come in contact with the human body.
Lab Alley food grade ethyl alcohol 200 proof is a safe ingredient with no additives. It is typically used as a culinary solvent for food processing, medicinal plant processing, cleaning, making oil infusions, perfume making, botanical extractions and herbal tinctures.
Lab Alley brand 200 proof undenatured ethanol products are 99.98% pure and USP/NF certified. 55 gallon drums are ordered at wholesale prices by companies that use industrial type quantities. 200 proof ethyl alcohol is commonly used for high volume solvent extraction processes due to its safety profile.
Lab Alley sells a wide variety bulk ethanol products online and by phone (512-668-9918). Bulk 55 gallon drums of 200 proof food grade ethanol are quickly shipped from Lab Alley warehouses and efficiently delivered throughout the United States and Canada by LTL carriers.

Organic cane alcohol is sold in 1 gallon bottles. Lab Alley brand Ethanol 190 Proof Certified Organic Sugar Cane Alcohol can be ordered in 1 gallon bottles online at
1 Gallon Bottles Of 190 Proof Food Grade Alcohol (Ethanol) Made From Organic Sugar Cane
USDA Certified Organic 190 Proof Sugar Cane Alcohol is sold in 1 gallon bottles. It is the one of the most popular food grade and organic ethanol products for sale in the United States and Canada. This non-GMO ethyl alcohol product is efficient at extracting bioactive compounds from the healthy plants and herbs that are used to make essential oils, perfumes and aromatherapy oils.
Organic cane alcohol 190 proof is a favorite of hobbyists that make medicinal oils, such as RSO and FECO, which are either swallowed or mixed with drinks and food. It is an excellent solvent and carrier for alcohol-based culinary and flavor extractions, safe dietary supplements, invigorating body products and health and wellness products.
190 proof neutral organic cane alcohol is fermented and distilled from certified organic sugar cane. To buy it, visit

You can buy ethanol 190 proof 95% undenatured alcohol food grade that is kosher certified in 500ml bottles at
500ml Bottles Of 190 Proof Non-Denatured Ethanol (95% Ethyl Alcohol, 5% Pure Water)
This Lab Alley brand 190 proof food grade ethanol product is made with fermented and distilled corn. It contains absolutely no additives other than 5% pure water. It is USP (United States Pharmacopeia), FCC Grade (Food Chemicals Codex) and food grade. It is also kosher certified in compliance with Jewish religious dietary laws, including purity and quality.
It works well with perfumes, skincare products and alcohol-based tinctures. You can buy this 190 proof ethanol product at in a variety of sizes including 500ml bottles, 1 liter bottles, 1 gallon bottles, 5 gallon pails and bulk 55 gallon drums.

Pictured are 500ml bottles of 70% ethanol food grade. 70% (140 proof) is a typical ethyl alcohol concentration for food grade alcohol products and surface disinfectants.
500ml Bottles Of 70% Ethanol For Sterilization, Cleaning And Disinfecting Surfaces
140 proof food grade ethanol is 70% undenatured ethyl alcohol and 30% pure water. This ethanol concentration is ideal for sterilization, surface cleaning and disinfection uses.
Ethyl alcohol 70% is one of the most effective concentrations for killing the tissue phase of Cryptococcus neoformans, Blastomyces dermatitidis, Coccidioides immitis and Histoplasma capsulatum and the culture phases of the latter three organisms aerosolized onto various surfaces.
70% ethanol is more effective at killing viruses and bacteria than higher concentrations. 70% ethanol food grade is used as an extraction solvent in the food industry.
Small 500ml bottles (16.9 ounces) of 70% food grade alcohol are sold online at Lab Alley brand ethanol 140 proof alcohol 70% undenatured food grade products are shipped all over the United States and Canada in consumer and industrial size containers by UPS and LTL freight carriers.
Food Grade Ethanol And Certified Organic Alcohol Food Grade 200 Proof And 190 Proof Can Be Ordered In Bulk Sizes

Lab Alley has a vast inventory of pure non-denatured ethyl alcohol food grade and organic products without any chemical additives in 140 proof (70%), 190 proof (95%) and 200 proof (100%) in bulk sizes in stock. These products are for sale online and can also be ordered over the phone at 512-668-9918.
Where Food Grade Ethanol And Organic Alcohol Are Sold In Bulk In The US And Canada
Lab Alley sells high quality 140, 190 and 200 proof undenatured food grade ethanol and organic alcohol products in bulk sizes and bulk quantities. Package sizes include bulk 55 gallon drums, 264 gallon and 270 gallon IBC totes, 5 gallon pails, 4x1 gallon cases and pallet loads. Call 512-668-9918 for wholesale prices in the US and Canada. Use the Lab Alley 5% discount code to save on bulk ethanol orders.

Pictured above is a bulk 264 gallon IBC tote containing organic cane alcohol 190 proof. Lab Alley brand 190 proof and 200 proof food grade ethanol and organic alcohol products can be purchased by phone (512-668-9918) or online at Bulk ethanol product packaging sizes include 4x1 gallon cases, 5 gallon pails, 55 gallon drums, 264 gallon IBC totes, 270 gallon totes, 310 gallon totes and pallet loads.
Lab Alley Brand 190 Proof Food Grade Ethanol And Organic Alcohol Products For Sale In Bulk Sizes At Discounted Prices (95% Ethyl Alcohol, 5% Pure Water)
Save 5% on bulk orders of food grade ethanol and organic alcohol by using the 5% discount code located here.
- Organic Ethanol 190 Proof (Organic Ethyl Alcohol Made From Organic Sugar Cane) Sold In A Bulk 264 Gallon IBC Tote Delivered By LTL Carrier
- Ethanol 190 Proof (95%) Non-Denatured Alcohol, USP/FCC Food Grade
- Organic Cane Alcohol 190 Proof (Certified Organic 190 Proof Alcohol)
- Ethanol 95% Food Grade (Alcohol 95% Food Grade)
- Organic Sugarcane Ethanol 190 Proof (Food Grade 190 Proof Neutral Organic Cane Alcohol)
- Organic Grain Alcohol 190 Proof (Organic Neutral Corn Alcohol)
- Ethyl Alcohol 190 Proof, Organic Corn (FCC Grade)
- 190 Proof Organic Corn Alcohol (USDA Certified Organic, Non-GMO)
- Ethanol 190 Proof (95%), Certified Organic/Vegan Corn Alcohol, FCC Food Grade
- Undenatured Pure Ethanol 190 Proof Food Grade In Bulk (95% Alcohol By Volume)

Lab Alley brand 190 and 200 proof food grade ethanol and organic alcohol products are ideal solvents, carriers, bases and ingredients for herbal and non-herbal tinctures. They are sold in bulk 55 gallon drums at wholesale prices by phone at 512-668-9918 and online at These food grade ethanol and organic alcohol products are perfectly suited for botanical extractions, making perfumes, extracting flavors, crafting essential oils and fragrances, creating skincare products, manufacturing cosmetics, baking, foods, beverages, cleaning, sterilization and disinfecting.
Lab Alley Brand 190 Proof Food Grade Ethanol And Organic Alcohol Products For Sale In Bulk Sizes At Discounted Prices (95% Ethyl Alcohol, 5% Pure Water)
Shop here for 200 Proof Food Grade Ethanol in 1 pint bottles, 500ml bottles, 1 liter bottles, 1 gallon bottles, 4 liter bottles, 5 gallon pails, 55 gallon drums, 270 gallon IBC totes and pallet loads.
- Organic Cane Alcohol 190 Proof In A 55 Gallon Drum
- Bulk Food Grade Alcohol 200 Proof (100% Ethyl Alcohol) In A 270 Gallon IBC Tote
- USDA Certified Organic Grain Alcohol For Tinctures (200 Proof, 100% Alcohol) In A Sturdy 5 Gallon Container With A Handle
- Bulk Food Grade Ethanol 200 Proof In An Industrial Size 55 Gallon Polyurethane Drum
- Bulk Organic Ethanol (Sugarcane) 190 Proof In A Closed Head Polyurethane 5 Gallon Pail
- 4x1 Gallon Case Of Organic Alcohol 200 Proof (USDA Certified Organic, Non-GMO, 100% Ethyl Alcohol And 0% Water)
- 200 Proof Ethanol Food Grade (Non-Denatured, No Additives) In A Cost Efficient 1 Gallon Bottle
- Economical 4x4 Liter Case Of 200 Proof Food Grade Ethanol (Absolute Ethanol/Liquid Alcohol 100%)
- 190 Proof Organic Sugarcane Food Grade Ethanol in Bulk 5 Gallon Jug
- Food Grade Alcohol (200 Proof Ethanol, USP-NF Certified) In A Thrifty 5 Gallon Pail
- Ethanol 200 Proof (100%) Undenatured Alcohol, USP/FCC Food Grade, Kosher Certified In A Wholesale Priced 270 Gallon IBC Tote
- Organic 200 Proof Alcohol (Made From Organic US Grown Corn) In Laboratory Size 5 Gallon Containers
- 4x1 Gallon Case Of 100% Alcohol Organic (Lab Alley Brand)

Pictured here is a bulk pallet load of 70% food grade ethanol packaged in 36 cases, each case containing four 1 gallon bottles, 144 bottles total. Lab Alley sells two types of 70% Ethanol (140 proof ethyl alcohol) products in bulk quantities and sizes. One product is 140 proof (70%) non-denatured food grade alcohol and the other product is 140 proof (70%) denatured ethyl alcohol.
Buy Ethanol 140 Proof Alcohol (70% Undenatured Food Grade Ethyl Alcohol) In Bulk Quantities And Sizes
70% ethanol is the optimal concentration mixture of ethyl alcohol (70%) and water (30%) for sterilization, surface disinfecting and cleaning applications.
70% Ethanol (140 proof ethyl alcohol) can be used for most non-food sanitization purposes, sterilizing laboratory work areas and killing microbes on hard surfaces, such as bathroom and kitchen counters.
Ethanol at a 70% ethyl alcohol and 30% water mixture is actually better than higher concentrations of ethyl alcohol. Because 70% ethanol has more water than 95% or 100% ethanol, it dissolves slower, penetrates cells better and kills bacteria more effectively.
Undenatured ethanol 70% food grade is also used as a solvent for botanical extractions and as a reagent alcohol in laboratories.
140 proof non-denatured food grade alcohol products are for sale online at in bulk sizes. Order 1 gallon bottles, 5 gallon jugs, 55 gallon drums, 270 gallon totes and pallet loads.

Lab Alley brand food grade ethanol and organic alcohol products are shipped within 1-2 days and are delivered direct via UPS and LTL freight carriers to business or residential addresses throughout the United States and Canada.
How Lab Alley Brand Food Grade Ethanol And Organic Alcohol Products Are Shipped And Delivered In the US And Canada
Normally, all food grade ethanol and organic alcohol orders are shipped within 1-2 business days from Lab Alley distribution centers throughout the United States.
Small container orders (up to 5 gallons) of Lab Alley Brand food grade ethanol and organic alcohol products are shipped and delivered in the US and Canada by UPS.
Bulk size orders such as 55 gallon drums, 270 gallon IBC totes and pallet loads are delivered by Less-Than-Truckload (LTL) freight carriers.
Food grade ethanol and organic alcohol 200 proof, 190 proof and 140 proof products are always in stock at Lab Alley and are shipped within 24 to 48 hours. Expect a 3 to 6 day delivery time in the United States and Canada.
Lab Alley Brand food grade ethanol and organic alcohol products can be returned for a refund within 30 days. HAZMAT fees may apply to non-denatured ethanol shipping rates depending on the size of the packages.
Please note that some specific food grade ethanol and USDA certified organic ethanol products shipped to Canada may require delivery by a freight carrier to meet importing regulations.

An ethanol–water solution will catch fire if heated above a temperature called its flash point and an ignition source is then applied to it. The flash point of pure 200 proof food grade ethanol is 13 °C (55 °F). but may be influenced very slightly by atmospheric composition such as pressure and humidity. Ethanol mixtures can ignite below average room temperature. Ethanol is considered a flammable liquid (Class 3 Hazardous Material) in concentrations above 2.35% by mass (3.0% by volume; 6 proof). Download Safety Data Sheets (SDS/MSDS) for ethanol.
Lab Alley Brand Food Grade Ethanol And Organic Alcohol Safety And Product Information
- Safety And Hazards
- Product Ordering Information
- Safety Data Sheets (SDS/MSDS)
- Technical Data Sheets
- Product Specification Sheets
- Organic Certifications
- Kosher Certifications
- Product Videos
Food Grade Ethanol And Organic Alcohol Safety Precautions And Hazards
Ethanol is highly flammable. Flammability is ethanol’s main hazard. Ethanol vapors will catch fire, so the flammability hazard extends beyond the immediate liquid. Do not use open containers of ethanol near open flames and other ignition sources (such as hot plates or heated immersion baths).
Work with ethanol in a chemical fume hood, especially volumes >500 milliliters. Good ventilation removes ethanol vapors, making it less likely that a flammable concentration may build up.
Ethanol toxicity results from the ingestion of large amounts of ethanol, usually in the form of drinking alcohol. It affects multiple organ systems in both the acute and chronic phases.
Ethanol is harmful by ingestion, inhalation or by skin absorption. Repeated contact can dry the skin resulting in the skin cracking, peeling and itching. Ethanol can depress the central nervous system, the eyes and upper respiratory tract (nose and throat).
Ethanol is toxic by ingestion. Symptoms are headache, nausea, vomiting, and intoxication. Ethanol is a skin and eye irritant.
Ethanol can cause poisoning and fatalities. A blood concentration of 1.8 g/L (0.18 g/dL, 180 mg/dL, 39 mmol/L) would usually cause intoxication and concentrations of 3.5 g/L (0.35 g/dL, 350 mg/dL, 76 mmol/L) are associated with stupor and coma. Concentrations of > 4.5 g/L (0.45 g/dL, 450 mg/dL, 98 mmol/L) are often fatal.
Exposure to ethyl alcohol can cause drowsiness and unconsciousness. It can also affect concentration and vision.
Ethanol is a clear, colorless liquid with a characteristic pleasant odor and burning taste. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Empty ethanol containers retain product residue, (liquid and/or vapor), and can be dangerous. Keep ethanol containers tightly closed. Keep away from heat, sparks and flame.
Do not eat, drink or smoke when using ethyl alcohol. Keep ethanol containers tightly closed. Use explosion proof equipment. Take precautionary measures against static discharge.
Ethanol is used to dissolve other chemical substances and mixes readily with water and many organic liquids. Ethanol is considered a volatile organic compound.
Lab Alley brand non-denatured Food Grade Ethanol 200 Proof is pure 100% (99.8%) ethyl alcohol.
This product has a flash point of 13 °C (55 °F), meaning it will catch fire at and above that temperature given an ignition source such as an open flame a spark, or even just a hot surface.
Lab Alley brand 140 Proof Ethanol Food Grade is 70% ethanol with 30% water. It is a common concentration in laboratories and has a flash point of 16 °C (61 °F).
It has been suggested by experts that the toxic range of ethanol for human consumption is 35-200 grams per day. An acceptable daily intake (ADI) for ethanol of 7 grams (2.5 ounces) per day is considered safe.
Ethanol vapors are very toxic through inhalation or skin contact. Prolonged exposure to heat can cause a closed container of ethanol to rupture violently and rocket.
First Aid For Ethanol Exposure
Flush eyes with large amounts of water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contact lenses if worn. Quickly remove contaminated clothing and wash contaminated skin with large amounts of soap and water. Begin artificial respiration if breathing has stopped and CPR if necessary.
Lab Alley Brand Food Grade Ethanol 200 Proof
This product contains no additives. It is suitable for body products, skincare products, food, beverages, tinctures, extracts and perfumes.
- Order Online At
- Safety Data Sheet (SDS) PDF
- Certificate Of Analysis (COA)
- Product Specification Sheet
Lab Alley Brand Organic Ethanol 190 Proof, USDA Certified Organic Sugarcane Alcohol, Kosher Certified
This product is organic ethyl alcohol 95% concentration, made from organic sugar cane.
- Order This Product Online At
- Ethanol 190 Proof (95%) Certified Organic/Vegan Sugar Cane Alcohol, FCC Food Grade SDS (PDF)
- Technical Data Sheet (TDS)
- Kosher Certification (PDF)
- Organic Certification
- 95% Organic Sugarcane Ethanol Product Video
100% Ethanol Food Grade (200 Proof Non-Denatured Ethyl Alcohol)
This product is pure anhydrous non-denatured ethyl alcohol food grade.
- Order This Product Online At
- Ethanol 200 Proof (100%) Undenatured Alcohol, USP/FCC Food Grade, Kosher Certified SDS (PDF)
- Technical Data Sheet (SDS)
- Certificate Of Analysis (COA)
- Kosher Certification (PDF)
- 200 Proof Ethanol Food Grade Product Video
190 Proof Food Grade Ethanol
This product is 95% ethyl alcohol non-denatured.
- Order This Product At
- Ethanol 190 Proof (95%) Non-Denatured Alcohol, USP/FCC Food Grade, Kosher Certified SDS (PDF)
- Product Specification Sheet (PDF)
- Certification Of Analysis (COA)
- Kosher Certification
Organic 200 Proof Alcohol
This product is ethyl alcohol made from organic US grown corn.
- Order This Product At
- Ethanol 200 Proof (100%), Certified Organic/Vegan Corn Alcohol, FCC Food Grade SDS (PDF)
- Product Specification Sheet
- Organic Certification
- Certificate Of Analysis (COA)
70% Ethanol (140 Proof Ethyl Alcohol, Pure And Non-Denatured)
70% non-denatured ethanol is 140 proof food grade alcohol.
- Order This Product At
- Ethanol 140 Proof (70%) Non-Denatured Alcohol, USP/FCC Food Grade, Kosher Certified SDS (PDF)
- Technical Data Sheet (TDS)
- Certificate Of Analysis (COA)
Organic Ethanol 95%
This product is made from organic US grown corn.

Although there are several kinds of alcoholic beverages, pure ethyl alcohol for consumption is made through fermentation and distillation. There are three major types of alcoholic beverages: fermented, distilled and fortified. Ethanol is naturally produced by the fermentation process of sugars by yeasts.
A Historical Perspective On Fermenting And Distilling Ethanol And Alcohol
Learn about the history of ethanol. The use of the term 'alcohol' for ethanol is fairly modern and was first recorded in 1753.
The name ethanol was coined as a result of a resolution on naming alcohols and phenols. The resolution was adopted at the International Conference on Chemical Nomenclature, held in Geneva, Switzerland in April 1892.
To ferment and distill corn into ethanol, it is ground, cooked, liquefied and saccharified. From saccharification, it goes through fermentation which produces CO2. After fermentation, it goes into distillation which produces ethanol.
The process of making ethanol from sugarcane starts when cane stalks are crushed to extract a sugar-rich cane juice. When cane stalks are passed through extractor/expeller, cane juice is collected and delivered to a fermentation tank, where the yeast fermentation reaction occurs to generate ethanol.
Ethanol has GRAS status (Generally Recognized as Safe), and may be added to food if it is certified and high-purity.
Ethanol has always been a part of our food because we evolved with ethanol in the natural world. It is present in over-ripe fruits, as fruits will spontaneously ferment in the presence of native/wild yeasts.
The same reaction can happen spontaneously in cereals, since grains also contain fermentable sugars. The discovery of controlled fermentation was low-hanging fruit, possibly pre-dating agriculture, and was probably discovered independently in different parts of the world.
Evidence of brewing can be traced back 13,000 years by some records. Beyond the obvious intoxicating effects of ethanol, the antimicrobial actions of ethanol were also known for thousands of years, as fermented beverages were often understood to be safer than water.
Ethanol concentration achieved through fermentation is limited to about 15% since a higher concentration will halt yeast activity. A higher proof can be achieved through distillation of the fermented liquid, by evaporating the ethanol and collecting the condensate.
Early evidence of distillation dates back as early as 1200 B.C.E. One of the many aliases of ethanol in its purer form is spirit, because it was observed as the “spirit” of the liquid leaving the fermentation brew during distillation. For a long time before chemistry was understood, ethanol was observed to extract the “spirit” or essence of plant materials.
Today, ethanol continues to be used in food in much the same way, even as our chemical understanding and technology advance. Food grade ethanol is used as an extraction solvent and carrier system for flavor and bioactive compounds, as an antimicrobial agent, as a flavor enhancer, and as a solvent for research purposes.
Though many non-food applications of ethanol have been discovered, the quality and purity of food grade ethanol alone remains the most critical of all ethanol products, because our safety, health, and culture depend upon it.
Most of us are no longer cultivating our own sustenance. The further removed we become from our food, the more we have to trust suppliers to keep our food safe, flavorful, and enjoyable.
Chemical And Physical Properties Of Pure Ethanol (Ethyl Alcohol)

Ethanol is a chemical compound that is a type of alcohol. The chemical formula of C₂H₆O. The CAS number is64-17-5. Ethanol is also called ethyl alcohol, grain alcohol, absolute alcohol, drinking alcohol, or simply alcohol. It is classified as an organic compound and an alcohol.
Ethanol Chemical Specifications
Ethanol is produced by the natural fermentation of sugars. In chemistry, alcohols range from the simple, like methanol and ethanol, to complex, like sucrose and cholesterol. Ethanol is a primary alcohol, where the carbon atom of the hydroxyl group (OH) is attached to only one single alkyl group. Ethanol is used to dissolve other chemical substances and mixes readily with water and many organic liquids. Because the ethanol molecule also has a nonpolar end, it will dissolve nonpolar substances, including most essential oils and numerous flavoring, coloring, and medicinal agents.

Lab Alley Brand Ethanol Chemical Properties
- The density of 100% ethanol (ethyl alcohol) is 789 kg/m³ at 20°C, which is less dense than water.
- The weight of 100% undenatured ethanol is is 6.58 pounds per gallon.
- The boiling point of pure ethanol is 78.5° C.
- The melting point of 200 proof ethyl alcohol is -114.5° C.
- The relative polarity of absolute ethanol is 0.654, making ethanol a polar solvent that can extract and dissolve both polar and non-polar substances to obtain the targeted components of extractions.
- Anhydrous ethanol has a flash point of 14 °C (57 °F), so it will catch fire at and above 57 °F, given an ignition source such as an open flame, spark or even a hot surface. Flammability is ethanol’s main hazard. Ethanol is extremely flammable.
- Lab Alley brand 70% non-denatured ethanol products have a flash point of 16 °C (61 °F). This ethanol concentration is commonly used in labs for cleaning, disinfecting and other solvent purposes.
- The evaporation rate and vapor pressure of ethanol is high. Ethanol evaporates quickly when exposed to air so it drys quickly. At 20.0 °C, the vapor pressure of ethanol is 5.95 kPa, and at 63.5 °C, its vapor pressure is 53.3 kPa. The pressure exhibited by vapor present above a liquid surface is known as vapor pressure.
- The molar mass of ethanol is 46.068 g/mol. In chemistry, the molar mass (M) of a chemical compound is defined as the ratio between the mass and the amount of substance (measured in moles) of any sample.
Ethanol (Ethyl Alcohol) Chemical Compound And Alcohol Properties
Ethanol's chemical formula is C2H5OH. It is also written as CH3CH2OH, C2H6O or EtOH, where Et stands for ethyl. The chemical structure of ethanol is two carbon (C) atoms, six hydrogen (H) atoms, and one oxygen (O) atom. Pure ethanol is a volatile, flammable, colorless liquid with a boiling point of 78.5° C. It has a low melting point of -114.5° C. It has a characteristic wine-like odor and pungent taste.
Ethanol is an important industrial chemical. It is used as a disinfectant and preservative. It is used as a highly effective solvent, in the synthesis of other organic chemicals.
Ethanol is miscible with water. Two liquids that mix completely together are miscible. Water and ethanol are a pair of miscible liquids. Miscibility defines how substances combine (or mix) to form a homogeneous solution without precipitates. The solubility of ethanol is advantageous in cocktail mixology and extraction processes used to make herbal tinctures, essential oils, skincare products, perfumes, medicinal plant oils and botanical extracts.
Ethanol is used in various plant and herb extraction techniques in which the ethanol is boiled, condensed, and cooled down. Warm ethanol soaks the plant material in a quick process that leaves very little residue. This technique is commonly used to make essential oils, medicinal plant oils, botanical extracts and herbal tinctures.
Lab Alley brand non-denatured food grade ethanol products are highly effective and perfectly safe to use for plant extraction purposes, either individually or commercially. Ethanol retrieves oil from plants and then evaporates, resulting in a safe oil for consumable products.
Because ethanol can denature proteins and lipids, it is used as a preservative which inhibits the growth of microorganisms. Ethanol increases the shelf life of packaged food, is used to preserve biological specimens and the bioactive components of herbal tinctures.
Ethanol is used in microbiology. It is used in the purification and precipitation of biomolecules. Ethanol is used in staining specimens in histology.
It is used in dehydrating tissues before embedding, and in disinfection. A various concentrations, it is a very effective bactericidal agent and potent virucidal agent.
Ethyl alcohol possesses very good disinfectant properties in the range of 60–90% solutions with water.
Ethanol is miscible with water and is an ingredient in cleaning products, paints, lacquers and varnish.
The solvent properties of ethanol make it a universal water-soluble solvent, as its molecular structure allows for the dissolving of both polar, hydrophilic and nonpolar, hydrophobic compounds.
Ethanol’s amphiphilic properties give it the capability to be attracted simultaneously to both hydrophobic and hydrophilic targets.
Ethanol is a versatile solvent, miscible with water and with many organic solvents, including acetic acid, acetone, benzene, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, diethyl ether, ethylene glycol, glycerol, nitromethane, pyridine, and toluene.
Ethanol reacts violently with acetyl chloride and acetyl bromide. Ethanol mixtures with concentrated sulfuric acid and strong hydrogen peroxide can cause explosions.
Ethanol is the form of alcohol contained in beverages including beer, wine, and liquor. Alcohol proof is a measure of the content of ethanol (alcohol) in an alcoholic beverage.
200 proof ethanol is 100% ethanol. 190 proof ethanol is 95% ethanol. 140 proof ethanol is 70% ethanol. Everclear is a famously strong spirit that comes in 190 proof, meaning it has 95 percent alcohol by volume.
Food grade alcohol is ethyl alcohol (ethanol) that is safe for human consumption. Organic alcohol is grown without the use of synthetic fertilizers and chemical pesticides.
Lab Alley Customers In The Food And Beverage Industry

Further Food Grade Ethanol And Organic Alcohol Reading Resources
How To Make Herbal Tinctures And Extracts With Food Grade Ethanol
Why Ethanol is the Preferred Solvent for Botanical Extraction
How to Use Food Grade Ethanol For Hemp Extraction (July 15, 2022)
Using Food Grade Ethanol in Extractions, Tinctures and Cleaning
Unraveling Protein – The Influence Of Ethanol On Flavor, Function, And Nutrition